Training Grounds

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newBookmarkLockedFalling GRAND OPENING!
eque 0 208 by eque
Sept 15, 2013 22:19:17 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling HIGH POSITION TRYOUTS!
eque 0 225 by eque
Sept 12, 2013 21:26:24 GMT -5


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Training Grounds
Training for the Purgers is terrifying, painful, and grueling. Some would compare it to the training of the Navy Seals, but even worse. The Purgers are trained in the strength of their mind and willpower, to withstand any mental abilities Changlings may have. They are exposed to electricity, extreme heat, trained to aim faster, shoot fast, run faster, be stronger. They are trained to use their very hands has weapons and can kill a man with his very own finger. The training grounds include a large arena that simulate many battle situations against Changelings and even against Cranks. There is a large shooting range so they may become master marksmen and never hesitate with their weapons and there is a single room that tests the strength of their minds. In this room, they are hooked up to a machine that puts them to sleep and sends them through a series of tests It is here that their final test occurs, showing them their greatest fears and manipulating their emotions. If they can pass the test, they are to be deployed and become full fledged Purgers.
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